Welcome to the site of "All India Postal Accounts Employees Association" ( AIPAEA), Karnataka State Branch, Bangalore 560 001. AIPAEA is the largest trade union of employees working in the Postal Accounts Offices ( PAOs). It is affiliated to the "National Federation of Postal Employees" (NFPE) ,the mighty federation of major trade unions in all the wings of postal workers in the India Post

Monday 19 August 2013


    Com.T.Sathyanarayana,Gen. Secretary, AIPAEA(CHQ), bereaved

                         Com. Sathyanarayana who lost his mother today at about 10.30AM, at his native place.  AIPAEA Bangalore branch condoles the death of his mother and pray the almighty to give the strength to him and his family members to bear the loss. 


Monday 5 August 2013

Circle Secretary:  N.Veeresh                                                                            President: D.K.Shivanna

No.42/AIPAEA/BG/DAP                                                                             Dated: 05-08-2013

                The Director of Accounts (P),                    
                Bangalore – 560 001.
Subject: - Request for change of procedure in conducting LDC DE and JA
Confirmatory exam.
            It is our experience that since the last 5 years the announcement of results reveals that there is an in conducting and evaluating the above said exam. The results so far show to the much of surprise and disappointment on the part of candidate, those who are taking up the exam in the above category. It is historically seen that both the examinations are being conducted under the direct supervision of concerned Directors and Deputy Directors of Postal Accounts., However, it is not reasonably know that the procedures in conducting the examination ,have been changed. It is the matter to be understood that the appointment promotional and the disciplinary authorities and its powers are being rested with the Directors and Dy.Directors of Postal Accounts. It is our common knowledge that the assessment of examination and conducting procedures are being best known to the concerned category of officers. As such there is a need to change over to the earlier method and procedure so far as conducting and supervising the above said examination. It is only a matter of faith and psychology of the candidate who needs to be strengthened in negotiating the examination by way of their application of mind and to be successful in the examination. Hence it will go a long way to better the promotional prospects after successful negotiation of the examination. So has this association is of the confirmed opinion that the change in conducting the examination and reverting back to entrust for conducting examination will be much helpful to make better prospects in respect of above category of employees. A favorable reply is very much appreciated.
                Thanking you,
                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary:  N.Veeresh                                                                         President: D.K.Shivanna

No.41/AIPAEA/BG/DAP                                                                         Dated: 05-08-2013

            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.
            Subject:- Conducting  of typing test in respect of LDCs, who were promoted
                                          Under SCF scheme (MTS)
            With reference to the above cited subject, this Assn would like to draw your kind attention for conducting the typewriting test exam by the SSC, Bangalore . However, it may please be considered that the above exam may Pl be conducted under the supervision of DA (P), Bangalore. In this regard the earlier existing system that such promotee qualification type test was continuously being conducted by the DDAP/DAP Bangalore prior to change over of such method by the SSC. It is needless to mention that in all the exam results after switching over to new arrangement the results are very disappointing.  It may be fact that norms and evaluation in the typing test have been applied on par with direct recruit LDCs by the SSC. However, a point to be considered that the MTS candidates eligible for promotional LDC category are being considered based on their experience in the day to day work and coupled with their educational qualification. The SSC norms for typing test are being evaluated exclusively based on their educational qualification for the appointment of LDC by the SSC. Hence the difference between the educational qualifications is the primary application for having so; it is our experience that continuously the results arranged by the SSC in respect MTS promotee LDC are being resulted in negative. In view of these points it is requested to conduct the exam at PAO level keeping in mind that this type test is being done in respect of MTS category candidate who are going to be promoted as LDC on regular basis. Furthermore a favorable consideration for conducting SCF type test at DAP office only.
                                                      Thanking you,
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,
