Welcome to the site of "All India Postal Accounts Employees Association" ( AIPAEA), Karnataka State Branch, Bangalore 560 001. AIPAEA is the largest trade union of employees working in the Postal Accounts Offices ( PAOs). It is affiliated to the "National Federation of Postal Employees" (NFPE) ,the mighty federation of major trade unions in all the wings of postal workers in the India Post

Friday 17 June 2011

Office Bearers of AIPAEA Bangalore



Name of the post
Name of the elected members
Vice Presidents
 1. Chandramma Lingaraju
 2.  N.Shivashankar
Circle Secretary
Deputy Circle Secretary
Asst. Secretary
      Dominic Vijayanand
Finance Secretary
Asst.Finance  Secretary
Organizing  Secretary
     Jagadeesha  Hande
Committee Members
2. M.Guruprasad Rai
3. N.Sampathraj
4. K.Suresh
5. M.Gangadhara Murthy
6. R.Basavarajaiah

Tuesday 14 June 2011

strike notice

Circle Secretary: N.Veeresh                                                          President: D.K.Shivanna
No 20/ AIPAEA/BG/DAP                                                                         Dated : 14-06-2011 

            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.

SUB :   Lunch hour Demonstration & Submission of strike notice.

           This association is holding a Lunch Hour demonstration at 3rd Floor GPO Building today as per AIPAEA CHQ directions.  Copy of the JCA strike notice signed by all the Gen.Seceretaries of NFPE and FNPO affiliated associations along with the charter of demands regarding indefinite strike from July 5th 2011 is enclosed herewith.  As per the directions of the CHQ the strike notice is being served to the DOP today.  The same is enclosed for your kind information.

Thanking You                                                                                                     Yours  Faithfully,

Encl :  As above                                                                                              Circle Secretary

Wednesday 8 June 2011


No.19 / AIPAEA/BG/DAP                     Circle Secretary: N.Veeresh                                                          President: D.K.Shivanna

            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.


            Subject:- Issue of pensioner CGHS cards to Central Govt. Servants before
                              Retirement- pertaining to the staff of DAP, BG.

            Please find an enclosed copy of lr, No. 37-1/2009-C&P/CGHS(P) dt. 23-2-2011 from GOI MOH&FW, New Delhi. It is requested your good self that as per the instructions contained in the above said OM may please be acted upon to enable retiring staff of this office to get further immediate treatment from CGHS. The action may be initiated well before the retirement; in this connection the connected papers/forms may be obtained along with the pension papers so as to assist the retiring staff of this office. The detailed instructions as mentioned in the OM are self explanatory to process the required application.

            Thanking you,
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                               / N.Veeresh/
                                                                                                              Circle Secretary 
Encl: as above                                    

Letters to DAP

Circle Secretary: N.Veeresh                                                          President: D.K.Shivanna
No. 17/  AIPAEA/BG/DAP                                                                       Dated : 27-05-2011 

            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.


            Subject:- Filling up of vacancies/recruitment drive .
                   Ref: 1. This association lr. No. 92 dated 29-10-2010
                          2. This association lr. No. 07 dated 10-03-2011.
            With reference to the above cited subject it is brought to our notice that vide Dte. lr. No. (PA Wing) 2(3)/08/PA/Admn I/114 – 134 dt. 17-6-2010 (copy enclosed), the Dte., has approved for direct recruitment process for filling up of Group C vacancies. According to the Dte. lr. necessary instructions were issued to fill up vacant posts in Group C cadre as per existing recruitment rules and SSC may be approached directly to fill up the vacancies in JA/Steno III under DR quota on the basis of the NOC issued by the surplus cell of DOP&T.
            Hence this association would like to impress your good self that the policy matter which have been approved by the Dte., need to be upheld and followed. This may please be taken up on priority basis as there is huge backlog of vacancies in group C cadre (LDC/JA/Steno), which is hampering the day to day work and the performance of PAO Bangalore.

            Thanking you,
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                               / N.VEERESH/
                                                                                                              Circle Secretary.

Circle Secretary: N.Veeresh                                                          President: D.K.Shivanna
No. 17/ AIPAEA/BG/DAP                                                                        Dated: 27-05-2011  
            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.


            Subject:- Filling up of vacancies in MTS cadre.
                   Ref:- 1. This association lr.No. 07 dated 10-3-2011
                            2. Dte. lr. No. F No. 2(4)/09/PA Admn/591 to 610 dt. 9-2-2011.
                        With reference to the above cited subject and references, this association request your good self to fill up vacancies in MTS cadre immediately as there is acute shortage in MTS cadre. The Dte., has clearly issued clarifications/directions for the process  of recruitment to the cadre of MTS  through the lr. No. F No.2(4)/09/PA Admin I/591-610
Dt.9-2-2011 and lr. No. F(2)/4/09/PA Admin I/03 dt. 8-4-2011 (copies enclosed). The work load in the cadre of MTS has become very much and the existing staff is not in a position to perform the duties as one MTS is attached to 3 to 4 sections. The burden of work load is very much.
                        Hence this association earnestly requests your good self to take up the matter with all seriousness and cause necessary action. This may please be taken up on priority basis, considering the heavy work load and acute shortage of man power under MTS cadre. The recruitment process may please be initiated immediately.

            Thanking you,
                                                                                                                 Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                               / N.VEERESH/
                                                                                                                          Circle Secretary.