Welcome to the site of "All India Postal Accounts Employees Association" ( AIPAEA), Karnataka State Branch, Bangalore 560 001. AIPAEA is the largest trade union of employees working in the Postal Accounts Offices ( PAOs). It is affiliated to the "National Federation of Postal Employees" (NFPE) ,the mighty federation of major trade unions in all the wings of postal workers in the India Post

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


No.19 / AIPAEA/BG/DAP                     Circle Secretary: N.Veeresh                                                          President: D.K.Shivanna

            The Director of Accounts (P),
            Bangalore – 560 001.


            Subject:- Issue of pensioner CGHS cards to Central Govt. Servants before
                              Retirement- pertaining to the staff of DAP, BG.

            Please find an enclosed copy of lr, No. 37-1/2009-C&P/CGHS(P) dt. 23-2-2011 from GOI MOH&FW, New Delhi. It is requested your good self that as per the instructions contained in the above said OM may please be acted upon to enable retiring staff of this office to get further immediate treatment from CGHS. The action may be initiated well before the retirement; in this connection the connected papers/forms may be obtained along with the pension papers so as to assist the retiring staff of this office. The detailed instructions as mentioned in the OM are self explanatory to process the required application.

            Thanking you,
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                               / N.Veeresh/
                                                                                                              Circle Secretary 
Encl: as above                                    

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